St Peter's Church, Wootton

A vibrant, growing church at the heart of the community

  • St Peters Church
  • Wootton Village, Boars Hill
  • Oxford
  • Oxfordshire
  • OX1 5JL

01865 735661
Email Us

churchWelcome to St. Peter's, which is the parish Church for Wootton, near Abingdon, in Oxfordshire. 

We aim to be 

A vibrant, growing church at the heart of the community spreading the love, joy and peace of Jesus to all

Our services, meetings and activities cater for all members of our community. Making friends, worship and prayer is central to everything we do.

The churchyard is always open.

We are open for public worship. 

This week's pew sheet including details of the readings and upcoming services is available here

Sunday  14th July 10.00am                                       Holy Communion led by Rev Stephen Coe, with prayers, readings and music from members of the congregation.  Please join us.

Sunday  21st July 10.00am                                       All Age Worship led by Rev Stephen Coe, with prayers, readings and music from members of the congregation, followed by refreshments and a chance to chat.  Please join us. 

Sunday  28th July 10.00am                                       Holy Communion led by Rev Tony Rogerson, with prayers, readings and music from members of the congregation.  Please join us.

Sunday 4th August 10.00am                        Morning Prayer and Praise                                                                                                                          Led by Dr Shirley Northover, with prayers, readings and music from members of the congregation and children's activities available. Please do join us.

Abingdon Food Bank is still finding great need for its provision. Click here to see what is most urgently needed at the moment. Gifts may be left in the bag in the church porch.

We want everyone to both feel safe and be safe in church. Please continue to use the hand sanitiser provided on entering and leaving the church and respect those who wish to maintain social distancing. We look forward to seeing you.  

Our next Open Church is on 

Saturday 27th July  between 10.00 and 12.00 - do drop in for tea, coffee, bacon rolls, etc and the opportunity for a friendly chat surrounded by the peace and beauty of our ancient church.

There will be no Open Church in June as 22nd June is the day of the Abingdon Passion Play

Videos of Sunday Services during lockdown are available  online

     Wootton St. Peter's Church of England Primary School

St. Peter's Church has a strong affiliation with the local village Primary School, Wootton St. Peter's. Our parish priest is a regular visitor in school and also a member of the full governing body. More information on the school can be found online at Wootton St. Peter's School.

Other information

Children and Young People - Sunday School is provided at 10am on the 1st Sunday of the month and children join us for our All Age Service at 10am on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

For more information on Safeguarding please see our Safeguarding policy or contact us by email.