St Peter's Church, Wootton

A vibrant, growing church at the heart of the community

  • St Peters Church
  • Wootton Village, Boars Hill
  • Oxford
  • Oxfordshire
  • OX1 5JL

01865 735661
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Holy Week and Easter services 2024

Everyone at St Peter’s would like to wish you a very Happy Easter.  

We do hope you will be able to join us at any of these services: 


Sunday 24th March - Palm Sunday - 10.00 am Holy Communion with distribution of palms. Rev Tony Rogerson will preside and preach

Monday 25th March – Compline at 7.30 pm – Shirley Northover

Tuesday 26th March – Compline at 7.30 pm – Mike Varnom

Wednesday 27th March- Compline at 7.30 pm - Simon Newton

Thursday 28th March, Maundy Thursday - Holy Communion at 7.30 pm – Revd Stephen Coe will preside, with a short sermon from Shirley Northover

Friday 29th March, Good Friday – An Hour at the Cross at 2.00 pm – Revd Stephen Coe

Sunday 31th March,Easter Day – Family Communion at 10.00 am – Revd Stephen Coe, followed by refreshments and Easter egg hunt in church